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There are many different types of bibles to choose from as you see below. You can purchase bibles online, in bookstores, in Christian bookstore and in everyday stores. A variety of bibles are listed below to help you choose a bible a bible that is right for you. International Bibles online can give you more in depth details on a wide variety of bibles (online bibles).

Amplified Bibles-Provides a unique language amplification that unlocks the meaning of biblical words and phrases. Which attempts to help modern readers understand the meanings ancient readers might have considered.
Archaeological Bible-New study Bible focusing on historical and geographical context of the Bible stories. Complete with color photos, maps, charts, artifacts.
Audio Bibles-The Bible is Narrated or read into audio cassettes, Compact Disc or DVD.
Baby Bibles-It's a gift Bible that may give to parents at a baby's dedication service.
Chain Reference Bibles- Explores key words and major themes by referring text to the preceding or following text containing the same word or theme.
Children's Bibles-A Bible with large print and lots of pictures, the stories are made simple for children to understand, It may even be a Bible story book with the major stories, maps, & illustrations.
Chronological Bibles-A Bible that is organized all or in part in the order in which the events of the Bible took place.
Compact Bibles-refers to it size which makes it easy to take it with you anywhere, because these will fit easily into you pocket or purse and some will even fit into your pocket.
Computer Bibles-a group of computer applications designed to view and study biblical texts and concepts. 
Concordance Bibles-Normally a reference Bible with a concordance or alphabetical listing of key words found in every book, chapter, and verse where the words appear in the Bible.
Devotional Bibles-applies biblical principals and scriptures to meditations, that are designed to encourage people with specific challenges to achieve victories
Family Bibles-a large Bible to be used for family worship, and as heirlooms which often with special pages where births, marriages and deaths etc. may be recorded.
Foreign Bibles-A Bible which is other than English, which is designed to share the Gospel with people who do not speak English or who just want to read the Bible in there native language
Key Word Bibles-combines essential tools for Hebrew and Greek with translations that accurately and clearly expose the Bible text.
Large Print Bibles-printed with 10.5 point type set which is larger than the regular typeset which ranges between 7-8 point type set. 
Mens Bibles- designed specifically for the unique needs, questions, and interests of men.
New Testament Bibles- is the name given to the second major division of the Christian Bible.
One Year Bibles-divides God's Word into daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.
Pocket Bibles-any compact Bibles that will fit easily into the purse/pocketbook.
Student Bibles-A Bible with study articles and helps especially for use in the classroom.
Study Text Bibles-usually with a dictionary, concordance, and study helps to facilitate Bible study
Topical Bibles-Scripture references with the complete Bible text arranged under specific topical headings
Verse Reference Bibles-references are placed directly within the verse to which they refer. 
Women's Bibles-designed specifically for the unique needs, questions, and interests of women.
Youth Bibles-designed specifically for the unique needs, questions, and interests of teenagers.